If you can't access your account, it may be for one of these reasons:
- You are logged into an old profile or have opened a new profile on Wallapop.
To recover your profile, you must access your correct account. To do this, you must close the open session and log in with your usual email. Once done, you should see your chats, your ratings and your products.
- You are entering your email or password incorrectly.
Check that the email you are entering is the one you have registered with Wallapop. You can also check the article I forgot my password to solve the problem.
You have received the login verification email and you are not approving access.
Please check your email and approve access to Wallapop. Please note that the link expires in 10 minutes.
If you are unable to retrieve your profile, please contact us using the button below so we can help you.
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